Your mezzanine floor specialist

The Mezzanine Factory

Production of mezzanine floors | John Scott Works

The Mezzanine Factory

Mezzanine flooring company

The Mezzanine Factory

Building a mezzanine floor

The Mezzanine Factory

John Scott Works mezzanine floor

The Mezzanine Factory

Case studies

How we assist in different sectors 

Every day we are developing, manufacturing, and installing new mezzanine floors for different companies in different sectors. These case studies will give you more information about the different sectors and provide examples of realised projects to give you a good idea.

These case studies are not exhaustive, so if your sector is not included please contact us and we will be happy to help you, because all our mezzanines are custom-made.
Indoor Playground Mezzanine

Indoor playground

“John Scott Works have been very accommodating throughout the whole project.” – The Customer. We thrive on challenges and enjoy doing something a little bit different. This successful mezzanine project, filled with challenges and complexities, shows our expertise and commitment. ...

Storage mezzanine floor | John Scott Works


Is your warehouse bursting at the seams and are you looking for more storage space? A John Scott Works mezzanine floor can be the perfect solution for you. You can easily increase the storage capacity in a relatively short time. ...

Office mezzanine floor | John Scott Works


Transform unused space in your warehouse or factory into productive offices with an office mezzanine floor from John Scott Works. Buying and installing an office mezzanine floor enables you to use the vertical space in your building optimal. ...

E-commerce mezzanine floor | John Scott Works


The e-commerce is growing in the United Kingdom, and you might need more storage space for your goods. An e-commerce mezzanine floor is the best way to create more space within your existing warehouse. ...

Retail mezzanine floor | John Scott Works


Are you currently outgrowing your retail space? You could decide to relocate to a bigger building, or you could choose to buy a retail mezzanine floor. In a relatively short time, we can create more space in your business. ...

System integration mezzanine floor | John Scott Works

System integration

John Scott Works creates more space for integrated logistics systems. Regardless of the size of the project, we are happy to help in creating extra space for your business needs. We have a lot of experience with large and complex mezzanine floors....

are you looking for a mezzanine solution?

we are here for you!